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Candy Cotton

Queer Heart Cinema

Queer Heart Community 
Explore OUR Shared Queer Identity
A Community Gathering at the Awaken Studio Toronto

Scroll down to find a description of this service as well as

Registration and Schedule links for appointments and classes

Mandala Blue Queer Heart Awaken Studio
Candy Cotton

Queer Heart Community

Gather Together - Explore Cinema

Awaken Studio Toronto


Celebrate OUR Shared Queer Identity



All men are welcome to take part in the community building experiment that

the Queer Heart Community is.  The Queer Heart is part of the very core of

the Awaken Studio Toronto. 


Free yourself to treat yourself to an experience unlike any other in the city. 


Please bring your courage, your curiosity and your open beginners mind.


This community is open to all men and the Awaken Studio welcomes all DIVERSITY.


There is no experience qualification, body shape or size restriction or maximum age restriction. Please be over 19 years of age

Queer Heart Community

Explore Cinema


  • Connect, express, explore and discover what can happen

when men come together to communicate peacefully.​

  • Sit back and enjoy the pleasant experience of a movie​

  • Sometimes pleasure - Sometimes sadness​

  • View the reflection of OUR shared Queer identity through the eyes of

cinematographers, movie makers, producers, directors, actors and screen writers​

  • An OPEN, SAFE and Accepting Environment​

  • Be curious and willing


Join in the joy and  simple pleasure of gathering together to watch a movie.

On Sundays:

We begin to gather at 6:30 or before...
Watching the movie by 6:45

Completing sometime about 30 minutes after the movie is complete.

As we invariably have something to say about what we have seen and how we have experienced the vision if QUEER Identity that has been presented. 


Sunday Afternoon Queer Heart Community Gatherings

Explore Queer Cinema

Generally we meet on the Second Sunday of the month, from September to July â€‹


Occasionally the community will gather On Fridays:

  • We begin to gather at 8:00

  • Watching the movie by 8:15

  • Completing sometime about 30 minutes after the movie is complete.

  • Check the Calendar for a current schedule

Share in a discussion after the movie is complete.
There is no fee for this event, however a donation to the space would be appreciated.


If possible a contribution to the space of $10.00 is hugely appreciated.

Bring a snack and whatever you might like to drink. 
Non alcoholic beverages only, please and thanks.

Although we would like there to be complete accessibility for all movies presented, sometimes for these features, either close captioning or described video are not always available. Often if it is a NON Canadian/American movie there are subtitles.

We all have a great time and this is a lovely space to get to know and make friends

with others who enjoy movies, queer culture and gathering together in a happy,

non-judgemental space.

Queer Heart Explores Cinema

Experiencing ourselves within

a mirror of community

can create transformation


Radical Community In the

Heart of Toronto

Queer Heart Cinema 2024 Awaken Studio
Awaken Studio Toronto Rainbow Heart

Celebrate our shared Community 


Circling we Share our Connectedness.


Sharing and most importantly listening and witnessing we can actively build community. Enjoying the fraternity of food and the soul nourishment of community,

we nurture our souls and spirits together as fellow seekers on a common path.


Delighting in Queer Cinema


We can join in a universal connection. Seeing experiences through time we are able to imagine a more accepting world that offered connection, support and as queer men united in our mutual respect.


All men are welcome.

Awaken Studio Toronto Rainbow Heart

Attending Sunday Afternoon

Queer Heart Talking Circle


Queer Heart Shared Meal


Queer Heart Explores Cinema

These are PWYC events
The suggested payment is $10.00
If this is unattainable please know that whatever contribution you can make will be welcome.


An online registration is suggested, before attendance to the Awaken Studio for any Queer Heart Community event.


Please arrive a few minutes early and give yourself the pleasure of having the whole experience.


All participants are asked to stay for the entire event, as early departures can be very disruptive

Within the Queer Heart Events there is no nudity, except on the big screen. We have not watched pornography although there are often very graphic scenes.

Please know that there is no qualifying criteria for these events. there is no upper age limit for this group. Please be over 19 years of age.


The only request of participants is that they remain present and true to themselves through the event.







Kindness, compassion, grace and conscious construction of community are basic tenants of the Awaken Studio Toronto. It is our practice to exist in the world living from a place of gracious and radical acceptance.


If for some reason you are unable to pay for the services offered by Phillip Coupal or

the Awaken Studio in Toronto we will do our

best to create an accommodation for your need.


Although classes can not be free of any financial exchange, the Awaken Studio and Phillip are always open to negotiation.


If you are under employed, unemployed or suffering from a financial hardship and you wish to attend, we will do our very best to create an accommodation made for you. Mutually agreed and negotiated in a kind and understanding manner.


Please be kind you yourself and make sure to contact :

Phillip for more information.


All you have to do is ASK!

Queer Heart Cinema 2024 Awaken Studio Toronto
Queer Heart Awaken Studio Toronto
QQueer Heart Community 2024 Awaken Studio Toronto
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Available online

Queer Heart Explores Cinema

PWYC Suggest $20.00

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Available online

Queer Heart Talking Circle

PWYC Suggest $20.00

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